Improving the lives of veterans, their families and the community

YOU are the American Legion family!
Make your voices heard daily!
For God and Country!
Improving the lives of veterans, their families and the community
Make your voices heard daily!
For God and Country!
Dates & Locations updated as received.
Membership matters!
Reach out, call, or pay a visit to your current membership and ask them to invest or reinvest in the American Legion today!
We need YOU to renew!
Start a membership drive in your community. Wear your Legion attire.
Speak up, Stand out.
Together we can make it happen.
YOUR membership matters!
Reach out! Connect with your fellow veteran. Be the One to make a difference.
New Legion Family Mechandise available today!
Download PDFJames A. LaCoursiere Jr.
National Commander
James A. LaCoursiere Jr. (La coursey air) was elected national commander of The American Legion on August 29, 2024, in New Orleans, during the 105th National Convention.
An Air Force veteran, LaCoursiere has been a longtime field representative for the American Legion Department of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund, which financially assists veterans and their families in need.
LaCoursiere has held many leadership positions at The American Legion post, department (state) and national levels. He is a member of American Legion Post 91 in Moosup, Conn. He has also served as a national vice commander, Connecticut state commander, and chairman of the national Legislative Commission.
LaCoursiere is married to his wife, Lisa, and has two children (Patrick and Meghan), and three stepchildren (Jason, Kaylene and the late Johnathan).
Born to a military family in Honolulu, Hawaii, LaCoursiere attended Montville High School where he played junior varsity football, varsity football and varsity track.
As national commander, LaCoursiere is strongly committed to raising awareness for The American Legion’s Be the One mission to prevent veteran suicide.
Be The One
Mr. Bobby Stewart & Mr. Tim Smith
Please give to our Oklahoma Veterans and their families.
Help The American Legion provide another 100 years of service.
The Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA) “70 Percent-Plus Outreach Initiative” has been launched. The “70 Percent-Plus Outreach Initiative” is a tightly focused effort by ODVA to connect, through in-person presentations, direct mail, radio spots and word of mouth, with the 53,000 Oklahoma veterans who are 70 percent or higher in their service-connected disability to reach those who need long-term care. Veterans with a long-term care need and service-connected rating of 70 percent or higher can live completely free of charge in one of ODVA’s seven State Veterans Homes. Unlike many other long-term care facilities in Oklahoma that rely on Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) funding, ODVA does not have a “spend down” requirement where a veteran must divest of his or her life savings prior to receiving assistance. Also, all medications are provided to all resident veterans completely free of charge. Oklahoma’s seven Veterans Homes are located in Ardmore, Claremore, Clinton, Lawton, Norman, Sulphur, and Talihina and have a combined total of 1,423 beds. Each Home is designed and staffed to meet the unique needs of aging and disabled veterans, and each Home has its own unique features, amenities, and local culture. Each Veterans Home offers highly professional, on site accredited medical staff, social workers, pharmacies, and recreation, as well as varied therapies. Also, a brand-new State Veterans Home is presently under construction in Sallisaw, Oklahoma and is scheduled to open its doors mid-summer 2023. “It is indeed a special privilege to care for Oklahoma veterans who have faithfully served our state and nation,” stated Joel Kintsel, Executive Director, Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs. “These men and women truly exemplify the ethos of “service before self” and it is an honor to care for them and to support their families.” By state law, disabled veterans receive priority admission to the State Veterans Homes as do veterans on the basis of their service period and status as combat veterans. In addition, ODVA maintains an admissions “waiting list” to allow veterans who do not need care now, but wish to plan for future long-term care needs to apply now to minimize what could be a significant wait at the time they seek future admission. To be eligible for admission, applicants must have served in active Armed Forces of the United States for at least 90 days and must have received a discharge under conditions other than dishonorable. Likewise, an applicant must need long-term care as documented by a medical professional. A full list of eligibility requirements as well as the application for current or future “wait-listed” admission can be found at:
The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement in the legislation process from local posts to Capitol Hill. Legionnaires’ sense of obligation to community, state and nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans throughout our nation. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on membership, participation and volunteerism.
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.
The American Legion's Washington Conference, held annually in our nation's capital gives our organization's leadership a chance to meet with elected officials to discuss legislative initiatives and priorities important to Legion members and their families. It also provides a forum that allows Legionnaires to hear from senators, representatives, and officials from the White House and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
USAA is proud to be the Preferred Provider of Insurance and Financial Services to The American Legion.
Please visit or call (877) 699-2654
6101 NW 50th Street Suite A, Warr Acres, OK
Join us TODAY!
Veterans serving Veterans, their Families and the Community.